Free Monitoring service: Why does your business need it?
Jul 06 2022 DDoS Protection Network Security DNS Free Monitoring Free Monitoring service Monitoring Monitoring checks Monitoring service PoPs SSLWhat does a Free Monitoring service mean?
The Free Monitoring service is an incredible tool. You can use it to obtain a wealth of information about the condition of the servers you employ to provide services like web, email, DNS, and others.
It lets you view and comprehend your servers’ current condition in real-time. If you keep an eye on your network, you’ll be able to see numerous issues like component failure or prolonged traffic. Additionally, if a problem occurs, a service like this will automatically notify you by email, text, or another channel like webhooks.
The Monitoring service is intended to identify network issues such as overloaded routers, failing servers, and problems with network connectivity.
Choose your Monitoring service plan!
Yes, this service is really advantageous. Below you can find some of its main benefits:
- Yes, the first advantage of using this service is that it is totally free. You are not required to pay anything.
- Receive notifications in real-time. You’ll receive prompt uptime notifications when your website is down (for example due to DNS outage/downtime) so that you may restore it as soon as feasible.
- Check from a variety of PoPs throughout the globe. You can make sure that your customers can access your website and that response times are reasonable all over the world by having different locations.
- Improve the stability of the network. Yes, you will be safer by using it because you will be able to keep an eye on your traffic and act quickly if something goes wrong (DDoS attacks, DNS attacks, etc.)
- Cost-efficient approach. You can get dependable service for nothing.
How can a Free Monitoring service help you?
Okay, now you know what its definition is and why it is beneficial for your business needs. But how can you take advantage of it? The first step is to look for a reputable Monitoring provider which is already a proven market leader. To make your search process more manageable, you can find a list of the best ones below.
- StatusCake offers ten uptime monitors and five-minute test intervals for a single domain name. It could also monitor one SSL and one-page speed monitor.
- Montastic monitors your websites (up to three) every 30 minutes, every hour, every three hours, every six hours, or every day. You receive emails when your website is down and once it is back online.
- ClouDNS‘s Free Monitoring package includes one monitoring check. Over 80 monitoring locations are dispersed across the world. Additionally, there are further monitoring intervals of 10, 15, 20, 30, and 60 minutes.
- UptimeRobot provides a free version with 50 monitors and five-minute checks.
Congratulations, you made one step towards one of the most critical services – the Free Monitoring service. You know its purpose and why it is indispensable for your company and its Network and Internet presence. And if you want to take advantage of it, you need to look for a good and reputable provider. Good luck!